The purpose of the Small Business Marketing Grant Program is to aid in the promotion of small, non-agriculture businesses with 25 or fewer employees based in Garrett County, Maryland. Any for-profit, non-agriculture business with 25 or fewer employees based in Garrett County and with a physical address in Garrett County, Maryland is eligible to apply. […]
Over the weekend, our spring intern Whitney Reall graduated from Garrett College with an Associates Degree in both Science and Applied Science. She recently also accepted a job here in Oakland, Maryland as a graphic designer! We are so proud of you, Whitney!
*****NEW DATE: Join us February 16th! Same time, same place**** After years of being thwarted by Covid-19 we are SO EXCITED to be back and better than ever! Garrett County's first Women's Networking Event of 2023 is set for Thursday, February 16th at noon at Ace's Run Restaurant & Pub! The featured speaker is Kendall […]
“I wish I knew what to post.” “I don't have time to worry about social media.” “I should be posting online, but I don't even know where to start.” When thinking about your company or organization's goals for 2023, where does your presence on social media fit in? Do you have a plan of what […]
CurlyRed had the pleasure of working on two separate projects for the Garrett County Chamber of Commerce that have been unveiled to the public in the last 6 months. The first was a small, but important update to the chamber's branding, to make it more inclusive of all of Garrett County: We also picked a […]
At CurlyRed, we've been keeping busy with a lot of web projects and were pleased to launch two brand new websites in September: a web presence for the Southern Garrett High School Alumni Association, and a brand new web presence for business consultant Bob Frazee. Southern Garrett High School Alumni Association is based right here […]
by M. Kendall Ludwig, president and principal designer custom illustration by CurlyRed junior designer Olivia Weeks Without a doubt, fall is my absolute favorite season here. Most GC locals will argue that September has the nicest weather of the entire year. I'd argue that October is pretty damn spectacular as well. Lots of sun, with […]
On Saturday, August 28th, Garrett County will hold a Women's Equality Day Celebration to commemorate the 19th Amendment, giving women the right to vote (100 years ago)! The celebration will take place from 11am-2pm at Sang Run State Park in HcHenry, MD. There will be a Reenactment Pilgrimage, crafts and food for sale, a re-dedication […]
One of our newest CurlyRed branding clients is O.M.G. Relax, a local client serving Deep Creek Lake and the surrounding areas. Located at the Fort right off of 219, O.M.G. Relax offers a "30 minute lake escape" via a safe and effective head-to-toe massage in one of their luxurious state-of-the-art Medical Breakthrough massage chairs. […]
M. Kendall Ludwig is honored to serve as the current president of the Garrett County Arts Council. We are committed to create a more diverse and inclusive community through the arts. GCAC is accepting GRANT applications at through April 12, 2021! Funding is available to organizations in general operating support and for specific programs/projects. […]