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February 2022: Let's Love!

Published: February 2, 2022

February is a really difficult month for a lot of people. If you live in an area like we do at CurlyRed, the days are short, cold and often gray (although we're really loving the sunshine today!). Quick shout-out to our friends at the Mountain Maryland Mamas podcast. These ladies have been giving tips and suggestions on ways to embrace the winter months, even on those days when we feel like just hibernating until spring.

Plus, Valentine's Day can be tricky — especially for those that are single, or have lost a loved one through a break-up, divorce, or death. Like Kate Winslet's character in the movie The Holiday, many of us have lived though the painful experience of unrequited love (or at the very least, unrequited crushes).

That being said — love is the most important thing we can do in this life. And the more love we can pour into our lives and the lives of those around us, the better our world will become.

So we encourage you to find new ways to love this month, even when it's hard. Call your elderly relative just to check in, buy coffee for the customer behind you, shovel your neighbor's sidewalk just because. And tell your loved ones how deeply loved they are, and what you love about them. Let's love better.

Monthly words to remember: "Love sought, is good; but given unsought, is better." —William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night

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